
world traveler, shameless storyteller, turtle enthusiast, tea addict, budding yogi, public health scholar, just another effing self-absorbed millennial with a blog.

Currently located in Baltimore, trying to disprove the notion that The Wire is all Charm City’s got to offer (and maybe earning an advanced degree along the way).

In a past life, I sold my brain to science, accrued money and shame teaching English in Korea, and dug for buried treasure as part of an archaeological excavation in Greece.

I’ve been known to fly solo in search of whale sharks or Himalayan peaks, but some of my fondest memories are those shared whilst on platonic Santorini honeymoons or Irish Castling adventures with a select few perfect travel companions.

Where to next?

I’ll be off on a brief mini-road trip around the UK— think Northern Wales, England’s Lake district, and Scotland’s Trossachs and Edinburgh– at the end of October.

Tentatively, a week of domestic travel (to Austin and the Hill Country) awaits before the New Year…

This page (and site) is currently under construction as I make the big move from Blogger to WordPress. Head over to litterulaemundano.blogspot.com to get a more complete picture of what I’m all about.

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